Grenada National Pavilion, 57th Biennale di Venezia

Asher Mains, a Grenadian artist, presents his work at the Grenada National Pavilion at 57th Biennale di Venezia. 417 Zattere Dorsoduro Venice.

Asher Mains

Sea Lungs – Statement

We are inextricable from the sea. In an island environment, not only does it sustain us economically but also physiologically. This close relation is at the heart of “Sea Lungs”; imagining that the sea fans that wash up on the beach and resemble our own cardiovascular and pulmonary systems are in fact our own. A reminder that our own life force can be found in the sea.

In an environment where art materials are less accessible, I focused on using materials that could be found locally. The sea fans are an organism of the reef that wash up on the beach when they die and detach from the reef. The material that makes up the pieces are sail cloth, typically used for the spinnaker, referencing our vital sailing community in the work. I use local faces and bodies in the work, again – contextualizing the…

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