Stix and Pics — Jason Crew Built a Boat!

First look Friday Feb 2 5 pm.  Spiceland Mall Grand Anse Grenada 


Out of one piece of plywood and some sticks.  Jason is a transplant sailor to Grenada from Alaska.  He is also an artist, and a maker.  So he made this boat from one piece of plyboard and some sticks.  Thats why he calls it Stix.   Seriously, it can float, and you could sail it.

As you know, Susan love boats, especially wooden sail boats.  She painted some more.  Most of these will go off to the show in Barbados at Gallery of Caribbean art, but she wants you to have  a peek.

Come to Susan Mains Gallery at Spiceland Mall to see the preview.

Friday Feb 2, 5 pm.  Its Free and Fun and you will Find Friends.  


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