Benoit in a time of Quarantine

Oliver Benoit and Asher Mains

The world is upside down. Oliver Benoit has been working on this exhibition for more than two years. He has researched, recorded, reviewed and revolved these Revolution stories with research assistants, sound engineers, and curators.

His exhibition opened at Art House 473 in Calliste on March 12th–the eve of the remembrance of the Grenada Revolution of the 13th. No one was thinking revolution–the impending virus invading Grenada was foremost on everyone’s mind. His students at St. George’s University received the notice that they would be shipped out to their home countries. Hotels were emptying, restaurants closing down, residents panic shopping for disinfectants and toilet paper, and the mind could not process looking back — we were only anticipating disaster.

But the sun still shines, and Oliver’s beautiful paintings and poignant 32 disembodied voices still chatter at Art House 473. The show will remain until March 31st and can be seen by appointment. We practice distance and sanitation. Maybe a look back is just we need right now. We survived that, and we will survive this.

Read the review published in NOW Grenada by Simon Lee. Click here.

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